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From the Port

Renewables Development at the Double


The rapidly expanding renewable energy cluster at Port of Blyth received a major boost with the announcement of two long term deals linked to the offshore wind sector. Alnmaritec, an aluminium boat builder with a focus on the offshore wind...

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Renewables Festival August 2010


Port of Blyth to host major Renewable Energy Festival over the weekend of 14th and 15th August 2010.  Centred around Blyth Quayside, attractions include one of the world’s largest tallships, the vessel “Mir”.  For more information choose the link to the web...

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Annual Public Meeting announced


The Port is due to hold it’s first Annual Public Meeting at Eddie Ferguson House, Ridley Street, Blyth on Monday 5th July 2010 commencing at 5PM. This will provide a review of Port business in 2009, outline future strategy and...

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New Pilotage Directions April 2010


The Port is implementing new Pilotage Directions for the River Blyth and approached from April 2010 following extensive consultation. Details are included in the document below and further information can be obtained from the Harbour Master’s Office on 01670 352678. pilotage...

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Photo Competition Winner December 2010


The Port of Blyth has announced the winner of it’s popular annual photo competition with the best snap for 2009 being chosen from over 250 entries. A delighted Rob Miller is pictured receiving a high specification digital camera from Port Chief...

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Consultation on Pilotage Directions


The Port is undertaking a consultation exercise with a view to reviewing Pilotage Directions for the River Blyth and approached from April 2010. This process is intended to ensure that Port of Blyth remains fully compliant with the Port Marine Safety...

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