
Port ‘Highly Commended’ in National Awards

Port of Blyth celebrate national awards commendation

Port of Blyth is celebrating national awards success having been highly commended in the prestigious National Responsible Business Champion Awards at a House of Commons ceremony this week.

The Port – which considers staff and local residents as key stakeholders in the business, was one of only three entries to have be highly commended for its commitment to the community and responsible practices by the all-party Parliamentary awards’ organisers.

Whilst a Welsh civil engineering firm won the overall award, the Port was recognised for its programme of public engagement, its regular sponsorship of local events and consideration of its neighbours when investing in things like quieter equipment to reduce noise.

Introduced in 2015, these national awards are designed to encourage MPs to take a closer look at the activities of companies in their constituencies and consider the extent to which they are operating responsibly who could then nominate businesses in their area for the award. These nominations were open to MPs in all 650 UK constituencies.

On hearing of the commendation Ronnie Campbell MP for Blyth Valley, who nominated the Port, said: “This is great news and a brilliant effort from the Port of Blyth. With over 500 people working on site at the Port every day now, this is what I call doing it for Blyth. Congratulations to all involved.”

Martin Lawlor, Chief Executive of the Port of Blyth said: “We were very proud to be nominated for the award by Ronnie Campbell MP and are delighted to have been highly commended in the final. We take our role in the community very seriously and always strive to be both a good neighbour and an ambassador and champion for Blyth. This achievement is only possible thanks to the hard work of all Port of Blyth staff in ensuring we act responsibly at all times”.

In achieving this result the Port fought off stiff competition from multinational companies like Fujitsu and Zurich Insurance, as well as well-known brands such as Marks & Spencer and Northumbrian Water Group.