Port of Blyth has voiced its support for the Port Sector Plan issued recently by the Ports Skills & Safety organisation (PSS), and is committed to the shared ambition to raise standards in UK Ports, proactively instead of reactively.
Since 2000, statutory reportable accidents in ports have reduced by 59%. Ports have become safer, but nobody thinks that the job is done and whilst the industry has made huge progress Port Skills & Safety’s view is that it is on a plateau.
This Sector Plan, developed in consultation with Port Skills & Safety members, provides a means of:
- Voluntarily and proactively demonstrating to stakeholders, such as the HSE, that our industry is meeting its duties and has the expertise and drive to deliver continuous improvement
- Setting and measuring industry targets
- Better understanding where and how to take new improvement action
Port of Blyth HR & Safety Manager, Stuart Balmer-Howieson, said: “The safety of all staff and visitors to the Port of Blyth is always our number one priority. Given the importance of the newly released Sector Plan from Port Skills & Safety and our own prioritisation of safety, we are delighted to offer our support to the implementation of the plan across the industry and look forward to fully playing our part in that.”
The Port Sector Plan is modelled on the HSE’s own approach; high level and sector wide. It is supported by the British Ports Association and the UK Major Ports Group. It links directly with the five PSS workstreams: Safety , Skills, Culture, Health and Mental Health which form a coherent, interlocking ‘whole person’ approach to safer and healthier port work.